A farmer calculating inventory on the farm

Farming is a business!
The approach given to any profitable enterprise must also be given to the farming enterprise to render it profitable and sustainable. Farming has over many decades received stereotypic judgments as not been a suitable career path for many people since it cannot be a good source of income. We must come to the understanding that there is a lot of money in the soil. I believe a new generation of young vibrant ‘’agripreneurs’’(agricultural entrepreneurs) are springing up to offset this status quo and bring the sophistication and innovation needed to sustainably feed the world. With the worlds population projected to reach nine billion people by 2050, farming then must be viewed as a business.
A few important actionable steps are expedient for any startup or business venture to make it successful, and a good business model is needed as such. Obviously if you fail to plan appropriately to project your business into the future, you are definitely planning to fail.

Planning the Farm Business
There are millions of business plan models out there of which everyone professing theirs is the best. You can search for these models though but want to share important items that are basic and are found as the common attributes to all these models. Accompanying also are the hidden ingredients of love for the business, passion, commitment and perseverance to fight in the face of obstacles; knowing that when problems abound solutions abound more and more. Additionally, one must know the basic legal requirements in their country when starting a business.
The business plan should highlight key product(s), key activities/processes and key customers. The individual, in the key product segment should know the type of product to offer into the market, how to produce them, its viability, strengths and weaknesses compared to other competitors. The individual should be careful not to compete over price only but on quality too. In the key activities, all the resources must be gathered and taken through essential processes to obtain the needed product. All these processes must be well organised and documented. In the key customer segment, who has your money in their pocket and how to get that money is your focus. Without the customer there is no business but exhibitions. The purpose of any business is to improve lives and make money to then improve lives. Knowing the customer is key, since they determine the cashflows, product innovations, and marketing strategies.
 So if it is a cabbage production (which is really a profitable business) one is interested in, the individual must know about the cabbage plant. Knowing the best high yielding seed variety, pest and disease tolerance, drought resistance, soil requirements, maturity days and other plant management practices are important. The key activities are preparing land, nursing seedlings before transplanting, regular irrigation, spraying, weeding and other farm management practices. Restaurants, Supermarkets, local markets, export companies, retail stores, interested families are key customers that can be directly contacted to sell to them with no much struggle due to its high demand. This example can be applied to any type of farm business with a guaranteed success.

Actions to take
More than 70% of the world’s poor are rural dwellers with agriculture as their main source of food, income and employment. These rural dwellers in most cases are less educated or have no form of education. Governments and other private companies through public private partnership must help educate these farmers on new methods of farming as a business, subsidize inputs and provide finanacial aids to them.
Our educational systems have been bias to agriculture painting this profession as full of drudgeries and no return on investment. This must come to an end else we suffer the risk of not been able to feed an ever increasing population.
Agriculture is a very profitable career choice that can equally make one wealthy.
So what are you waiting for? Rush now for the money in the soil!